Stiftung WKG in Deutschland

Santiago Lange

Santiago Lange


Santiago Lange is an elder of Grace Communion International. Since 1996 he has been a keynote speaker at many international conferences. His presentations have covered a wide range of topics, including faith, Christian living and theology.

God’s Peacemakers

In the Holy Scriptures, the topic of peace has the highest priority. It says that the peacemakers are blessed. But how and by which means can this be done?

Worldview Conversion: Science, the Bible and Faith

This article is about the controversy between biblical and scientific worldview.

Celebrate the Light

Many people live in constant darkness and are blind to the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. But Jesus wants to be the light in our lives. He came to earth to deliver humanity from the oppressive darkness.

Revisiting the Good Samaritan

Jesus was asked what one must do to receive eternal life. The questioner already knew the answer, but was displeased with it. Jesus used a parable to make clear what was important.

What is our true Identity?

It is vital that we understand the truth of who we actually are, from God’s perspective.

What About Liturgy?

Christians are not prohibited from framing, expanding, teaching and cherishing a God honoring “liturgy” in our congregations that focuses on the story of God’s people, God’s mighty deeds, and on WHO God is.

Open Door Policy

Jesus told the audience a parable of the lost sheep to make clear how much God cares about each individual and what we should learn from it.

Taking Another Look at Worship

Three areas of proper attitudes are involved in authentic worship.

Marketing the Church

Our challenge in the years ahead will be to present the true Gospel, in an attitude of worship in creative and interesting ways.

Jesus is the REAL Bread

Westerners do not really understand and therefore do not fully appreciate what Jesus meant when He said in John chapter 6, “I am the Bread of Life.”

Adam and Eve

Are you interested in the "origins question", particularly with issues connected to the historicity of Adam and Eve? This article summarizes and comments a number of thoughts that could be raised.

Evangelism in a Postmodern World

Postmodernity has proved of some benefit to Christian faith. It returns value to faith and affirms the nurturing of our spiritual being as vital to humankind.

The Promised Land

God has reserved for those who seek and follow Him a "land" in which flows "milk and honey". He has reserved the best for those who will walk by faith and enter into His abundant life.

Thinking God’s Love

What we do in life is the sum total of our thoughts. Paul wrote down, how good feeding of the mind produces good fruit in life.

Intimacy with God

How can a simple mortal enjoy friendship with God? What possible common ground could bring us together nearer in intimacy and friendship?

Loneliness or Solitude

What are some positive and constructive ways to overcome loneliness?

The Bells are ringing!

Easter bells announce victory over man's greatest enemy. Jesus has conquered death. We have a future.

The Cup of Love

A Jewish custom was that after successful negotiations between the families, the man offered the Cup of Love to the woman. Jesus also offered the Cup of Love.

Jesus Is Our Salvation

We may go regularly to church and know about Jesus. We may be religious and pray, as well as sing hymns with gusto, yet we still know that we need the living Son of God as our personal Savior and Lord.

Waddle or Walk?

Worship is much more than what happens on a Sunday church service. We received a personal invitation to walk with Father, Son and Holy Spirit having been created to be loved and to love.

Purpose of Trials

God “promises” us trials, AND he promises to help us in and through our trials. Why does God allow any evil? The Scriptures tell us about a few benefits of trials.

Becoming A Modell Church

The church of Antioch was well-known throughout the world in the time of the early church. This church was wholeheartedly committed to carrying out God's Great Commission. There are good reasons to emulate this church.

Who Is Our Master?

The Bible says that a lot of money or comparable treasures can cause serious problems for a person. Is money the center of your life? Do you have to worry about it all the time? What is the most important thing? What is the recommendation of the Bible? Where(for) can you really invest or use it profitably?

Living Out God’s Vision

Successful companies have a vision that elates their employees and their customers. The same is true in politics and in the church. God's vision is based on the best plan ever for mankind and therefore his people have the order to engage for the good of their fellow men. The Bible also clearly states what will happen if we do not share in that vision.

Setting the Record Straight

The theory of penal substitution is a distinctively Protestant understanding of atonement The core of this concept is the satisfaction of God's wrath, which was a great concern of the believers of that time. This article wants to help clarify false perceptions.

An Identity Question

Whoever sees himself predominantly as a looser will hardly be able to live a happy life. But whoever accepts God as his Savior and Helper will not remain a failure, but will receive a new identity that makes him free to truly live a fulfilled life.

The Straight Path

The countries of the Western world like to call themselves members of a community of values. But what happens when values are not really being lived out? Or when values are completely redefined? Where can we find the true values that make life worthwhile?

Ticking Away

Every thinking person has goals and dreams he or she plans for, and even begins to reach for. Yet there are many people who fall short of their goal simply because of limited time or opportunity. The point is that we need to make appropriate use of our hours.

Learning from Acts 16

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not for the privileged or special groups, it is for everyone. It is available to us, to our enemies and to our friends. In Acts 16 we see the gospel extended to a rich business woman, a troubled slave, and a despised jailer. Paul saw everyone as a person in need of God’s grace.

Absolute Forgiveness

When we think of the great personalities in the Bible, names Moses, David, and Paul come to mind. These men all have something in common, they all committed serious mistakes and sins in their lives. How did such men become such powerful figures in the ministry of the Gospel? They even became examples to those who were to believe in Jesus. Through Jesus, all believers received a wonderful gift.

A Moving Experience

Moves bring a lot of change into our lives. You have probably already made this experience. Such big changes can be very exhausting and challenging. Hopefully your move was a reason for joy. The most important move is a change of mind and lasts a lifetime, because there are many things to replace.

Being Family

When God decided to set the standard for human development He created the family unit, and it is this that is the foundation for the Church too. God never intended the Church to simply become an institution. Our Creator always intended it to operate as a family.

Finding our Anchor in a Turbulent World

An article in a leading medical journal was titled, "Is Stress the Cause of All Disease?" Stress is without question something to take seriously. It has been linked, directly or indirectly, to hypertension, depression, ulcers, and heart disease. The reality of stress has become commonplace today. How can we better cope and reduce stress in our lives?

The Big Picture

When Pope Julius II commissioned the painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, he granted Michelangelo complete independence and freedom regarding motif and execution. While completing the wonderful masterpiece, Michelangelo constantly kept the „bigger picture“ in mind. Likewise, Jesus also gave his disciples a great commission showing them a „big picture“ that was to help and motivate them finish the given great assignment with total dedication.

Church Revival

Theologians underscore that we have become post-Christian nations, secular societies. Just in a time of crisis like this, we realize the results when churches lose their positive influence and relevant cultural impact finding it increasingly difficult to encourage strong biblical values. There is a dire need …

Christian Courage

The apostle Paul was locked up in an underground Roman dungeon and was in impending life threatening danger. But it was not he who now needed courage, but young Timothy, his son in faith. Paul reminded him of four important facts that can also give us courage.

Living Out A Holy Life

The apostle Paul made a summary list of characteristics teaching the Colossians what was necessary to live a holy life. His instruction is also addressed to us.

From the Peaks to the Pits

A zealous prophet climbing to the peak of success came down from his mountain top experience to see his world seemingly completely turned around overnight. Facing a deadly threat, in desperation, he had to run for his life. But then ...

More than Conquerors!

Must we feel depressed because of threatening living conditions? God does not expect us to face situations alone, relying solely on our own inner resources. What does God do to help us live a victorious life? Here are three things to remember.

John 1:14

In just a few weeks Christmas will come and families will gather to unpack their gifts. God has a Christmas gift for all of us, not wrapped in bright paper and with coloured ribbon. It is the gift of amazing grace, it is the gift of his Son!

The Church is One

The church is sometimes disappointing, because it can never live up to our expectations of sharing without pain. In fact, it is a fellowship that has many problems, but in which we experience that God is in our midst.

The Gift of Tongues

The gift of speaking in tongues was part of the great Pentecost event, during which the Holy Spirit was poured out upon 120 believers. How important was this gift for Christians in church history and what do we learn from it?

Living Out Easter

There are people who believe in God, but not in Easter. Will our existence be merely a temporary one? Or are we so precious in God's eyes that even death cannot separate us from His love?


There are frightening situations where real circumstances can control our emotions. The apostle Paul describes how he was able to deal with them in the most difficult times and in spite of great concern.

The One Thing

Do you know what the secret of life is? Have you figured out what the one thing that matters most is? A very busy woman named Marta received a hint about this directly from Jesus.


Does the term stewardship immediately prompt you to think of donations to your church? Money is not everything; time is also valuable. What resources are available to you?

Watchmen on the Wall

The watchmen had the task of looking out for the enemy and sounding the alarm when the enemy was coming near. What can you do when danger is close at hand?

Comfort in Pain

Jesus experienced the most severe suffering. He is an empathetic person who understands our challenges and who is seeking to console and help us. Who could better encourage and help someone than one who has suffered himself?

He Is Able!

In a world becoming increasingly complicated and confusing, we cannot make it on our own. Isaiah already described the opportunities that exist when we turn to Jesus.

God Will Give You Life

However difficult a situation may be, only Christians can truly say that things will ultimately turn out well God's mercy shining brightly.

Reflecting Christ in Our Relationships

We need not overlook the importance God attaches to the unity of the body of believers. If we are one in Jesus, we should also be one among ourselves.

The Joy of Christmas

Jesus was born into a dark, tired and exhausted world. But into this seemingly hopeless environment, God sent an angel to announce the best news the world has ever heard.

Kingdom People

Who are God’s people? Jesus compared them to salt and light and pointed out three important characteristics-which are they?

The Power of Vision

Vision has inspired people and led to great works. The vision of God propelled the first Christians to spread the Gospel into the world. Vision is more needed than ever.

The Christian life

There is little hope if Christianity is nothing more than a person choosing to worship Jesus and doing his best to be a follower of him. What’s missing?

Failure is the Road to Success

Our western culture is programmed for success. But failures do happen - even with Christians. We can learn from that and help others.

Honoring the Scriptures

It is disturbing to observe how the Bible is increasingly depreciated. God has given us this precious text and in it He has communicated his distinct purpose. What is that purpose?

Clear Thinking About Problems

The apostle Paul wrote that we should rejoice when facing problems of various kinds. While a situation can seem at first hopeless it can make sense if we focus on God's help.

Worship in Spirit and Truth

An expert on church growth emphasized that the focus should be on the needs of the audience. But, Jesus said that the Father wanted to have such worshipers who would worship him in spirit and in truth.

Church growth: Up, In and Out

Following the lead of the Spirit in fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission involves church growth, but what direction should that growth take? Do we see still see growth as a challenge for us today?

Abiding in Christ

Many Christians go through life without really understanding their identity. They have never really taken the time to find out "to whom they belong". How different their lives could be if they knew!

Newly published articles can be found at the top of this page.